So my little girl turned 1 on Friday, Kaden turns 10 Sunday, and Carli will be 8 on July 5th. Friday Azzie's picture was on Good Things Utah. Then we had a friend party that night for Kaden. We had about 7 boys sleep over. Thank goodness the went to bed early and they were quiet.
Kaden got money to help pay for tackle football, Carli got a Bratz Cowgirl stable/horse and tickets to the Miley Cyrus concert, Azzie got a bus and baby doll that crawls and lots more!

Azzie enjoying her cake!

Azzie enjoying her cake!
On Saturday we had a BBQ with all of our friends and family. The kids got to open presents, we had a pinata, and then later we went to the Taylorsville Dayzz Neil Diamond Tribute/Fireworks show which was awesome!
Jay White singing at T-ville DayzzPlaying with the cousins!
I love the Taylorsville Fireworks!
We had a great time hanging out with everyone.
Happy Birthday everyone, You sound like our family and killing all the birthday in one month...until the baby comes in Dec. but then we can just deal with that and Christmas !
Its gonna a be busy around your house...Wow, I can't believe Azzie is already 1!!!
Happy birthday everyone! It's a good thing you have several months to recover from X-mas!
Happy Birthday everyone, I wish we could have been there. We will see you next week though!
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