So my little girl turned 1 on Friday, Kaden turns 10 Sunday, and Carli will be 8 on July 5th. Friday Azzie's picture was on Good Things Utah. Then we had a friend party that night for Kaden. We had about 7 boys sleep over. Thank goodness the went to bed early and they were quiet.
Kaden got money to help pay for tackle football, Carli got a Bratz Cowgirl stable/horse and tickets to the Miley Cyrus concert, Azzie got a bus and baby doll that crawls and lots more!

Azzie enjoying her cake!

Azzie enjoying her cake!
On Saturday we had a BBQ with all of our friends and family. The kids got to open presents, we had a pinata, and then later we went to the Taylorsville Dayzz Neil Diamond Tribute/Fireworks show which was awesome!
Jay White singing at T-ville DayzzPlaying with the cousins!
I love the Taylorsville Fireworks!
We had a great time hanging out with everyone.