I want to thank everyone who helped donate or put together the Parent Survival kits. We were able to help over 60 families. It was a great night and I was so excited to deliver them. Going back to the NICU brought so many emotions back. Some good, and some not so good. But when all is said and done, if thats what it takes to get your baby here it's worth it.
One of my neighbor/friends son is in the NICU now and my prayers go out to them. Come home soon Tayton, we can't wait to meet you. His mom was one of the recipients of our NICU kits.
Just to know that you have support and help meant a lot and it was good to be able to help others. I have great friends and family, especially all of my fellow NICU/RSV moms, I love you!

Packages include: "Give yourself a "kiss" now and then
Find "joy" in the little things!
Try to "roll"with the ups and downs of nicu
Try not to go "nuts" while in the nicu
Time away from the NICU can be a "lifesaver"
Take "extra" time for yourself
Take a "break"from the stress of the NICU it will do wonders for you
"TWIX" you and me, your baby is adorable
"Take 5" minutes each day to glory in the beauty of your baby
Hand sanitizer, baby hats, and washcloth with a neat NICU poem.